
From dieting to body image distortion, this clinical training provides background knowledge and trauma-informed skills in treating the spectrum of eating disorders (EDs). It stresses the importance of treating the trauma-based origins of EDs and dissociation, focusing on patterns of behavior, as well as phobias, typical of this population. This clinical approach utilizes interactive discussion, practica, and the use of case examples and videos to solidify learning.

This course is open to all mental health workers. No prerequisites required.

  • Live Virtual Course

    Learn live via Zoom.
    Course Dates:
    Friday, January 27, 2023
    Friday, March 10, 2023
    Friday, March 24, 2023
    Friday, April 21, 2023
    Friday, May 19, 2023

  • CE Credits

    This course is approved for 20 CE Credits by and EMDRIA.

  • Course Enrollment

    EMDR Professional Training™ Members: $799
    Regular Enrollment: $850


Andrew Seubert talks about the course.


At War with Food:

    1. Zoom Meeting Invitation

    2. Using Captioning during Zoom Meetings

    1. Handouts -- Module 1

    2. Extra Handouts shared in training -- January 27, 2023

    3. Handouts -- Module 2

    4. Handouts -- Module 3

    5. Extra Handouts for Module 3 -- Shared in March 24th training

    6. Handouts -- Module 4

    7. Extra Handouts for Module 4 -- Shared in April 21, 2023

    8. Handouts and Reading -- Module 5

    1. Discussion for Module #1

    2. Discussion for Module #2

    3. Discussion for Module #3

    4. Discussion for Module #4

    5. Discussion for Module #5






    6. FINAL Course Evaluation

    1. Module 1 Course Video 2023

    2. Module 2 Course Video 2023

    3. Module 3 Course Video 2023

    4. Module 4 Course Video 2023

    5. Module 5 Course Video 2023

At War with Food: Trauma-informed clinical skills for treating the spectrum of eating disorders

  • $850.00
  • Meets virtually 5 Fridays with follow-up discussions
  • No prerequisites. 20 EMDRIA CEs for EMDR-trained clinicians.
  • 20 professional CEs

Instructors: Pam Virdi and Andrew Seubert

Pam Virdi, MEd, RMN, CPN, CHP, is an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant, Integrative Psychotherapist, Lecturer and Clinical Supervisor who now works full time in private practice with adults and young people. She specialises in the treatment of eating disorders, but also has extensive experience of working successfully with a broad range of clinical difficulties including complex trauma and PTSD. The last 28 years of her career in the NHS (UK) were spent working as a specialist psychotherapist in an Eating Disorder Service and delivering University based yearlong multi-professional eating disorder trainings. She has served as a member on the Editorial Board of the European Eating Disorder Review Journal (1998 - 2008) and has set up and chaired national special interest groups for eating disorders both generally and EMDR specific. She has experience working with the media to promote a better understanding of eating disorders and has given newspaper and radio interviews and regularly presents at national and international conferences.

Andrew Seubert, LMHC , NCC, is the co-founder of ClearPath Healing Arts Center on Seneca Lake in Burdett, N.Y. A licensed psychotherapist for 40 years, he has an extensive background in Existential-Gestalt Therapy and in music therapy and provides EMDR consultation and training for clinicians. 

            His first book, The Courage to Feel: A practical guide to the power and freedom of emotional honesty, was published by Infinity Publishers in 2008 (2nd edition 2021). He has authored various book chapters and articles and How Simon Left His Shell, a fable and User’s Guide based on The Courage to Feel, to teach children and adolescents emotional honesty. In 2018, Andrew authored an article, Becoming Known: A relational model utilizing Gestalt and Ego State assisted EMDR in treating eating disorders, in the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research and is the co-editor of Trauma-informed Approaches to Eating Disorders (2018).

How do I enroll?

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Go to Course Enrollment below and start the checkout process.

EMDR Professional Training™ Members:  Find your coupon code in your Membership course > Discounts and Deals.  Then, enroll now and enter the coupon code for this course when prompted.  Complete your enrollment at your Membership price.

Regular enrollment:  Enroll now and complete at the regular enrollment price.

Have a Coupon?  Enroll now and enter the coupon code when prompted.  Coupon codes are not case sensitive.

Course Enrollment

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  • Access to exclusive videos and resources
  • Private discussions and opportunities to consult with our training team
  • Monthly study groups with Dr. Curt Rouanzoin
    and Dr. Michelle Gottlieb
  • Discounts on Live and OnDemand advanced Trainings

    All for Only $9/month!

    (Find your discount code in your membership course.)
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