
From dieting to body image distortion, this clinical training provides background knowledge and trauma-informed skills in treating the spectrum of eating disorders (EDs). It stresses the importance of treating the trauma-based origins of EDs and dissociation, focusing on patterns of behavior, as well as phobias, typical of this population. This clinical approach utilizes the use of case examples and videos to solidify learning.

This course is open to all mental health workers. No prerequisites required.

  • OnDemand Course

    90-day enrollment upon registration.

  • CE Credits

    This course is approved for 17 professional CEs by and 17 CEs by EMDRIA for those who are EMDR trained clinicians by an EMDRIA approved provider.

  • Course Enrollment

    EMDR Professional Training™ Members: $599
    Regular Enrollment: $650
    2-Month payment plan available.


Andrew Seubert talks about the course.


At War with Food

    1. Handouts -- Module 1

    2. Handouts -- Module 2

    3. Handouts -- Module 3

    4. Handouts -- Module 4

    5. Handouts and Reading -- Module 5

    1. At War with Food -- Module 1

    2. At War with Food -- Module 2

    3. At War with Food -- Module 3

    4. At War with Food -- Module 4

    5. At War with Food -- Module 5

    1. Optional review by module

    2. Module 1 Review

    3. Module 2 Review

    4. Module 3 Review

    5. Module 4 Review

    6. Module 5 Review

    1. You've Finished the Course! Now What?

    2. Quiz and CE Certificate from

    1. Advanced Training!

At War with Food: Trauma-informed clinical skills for treating the spectrum of eating disorders

  • $650.00
  • OnDemand Course
  • No prerequisites. 17 EMDRIA CEs for EMDR-trained clinicians.
  • 17 professional CEs

Instructors: Pam Virdi and Andrew Seubert

Pam Virdi, MEd, RMN, CPN, CHP, is an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant, Integrative Psychotherapist, Lecturer and Clinical Supervisor who now works full time in private practice with adults and young people. She specialises in the treatment of eating disorders, but also has extensive experience of working successfully with a broad range of clinical difficulties including complex trauma and PTSD. The last 28 years of her career in the NHS (UK) were spent working as a specialist psychotherapist in an Eating Disorder Service and delivering University based yearlong multi-professional eating disorder trainings. She has served as a member on the Editorial Board of the European Eating Disorder Review Journal (1998 - 2008) and has set up and chaired national special interest groups for eating disorders both generally and EMDR specific. She has experience working with the media to promote a better understanding of eating disorders and has given newspaper and radio interviews and regularly presents at national and international conferences.

Andrew Seubert, LMHC , NCC, is the co-founder of ClearPath Healing Arts Center on Seneca Lake in Burdett, N.Y. A licensed psychotherapist for 40 years, he has an extensive background in Existential-Gestalt Therapy and in music therapy and provides EMDR consultation and training for clinicians. 

            His first book, The Courage to Feel: A practical guide to the power and freedom of emotional honesty, was published by Infinity Publishers in 2008 (2nd edition 2021). He has authored various book chapters and articles and How Simon Left His Shell, a fable and User’s Guide based on The Courage to Feel, to teach children and adolescents emotional honesty. In 2018, Andrew authored an article, Becoming Known: A relational model utilizing Gestalt and Ego State assisted EMDR in treating eating disorders, in the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research and is the co-editor of Trauma-informed Approaches to Eating Disorders (2018).

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Regular enrollment:  Enroll now and complete at the regular enrollment price.

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Course Enrollment

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    and Dr. Michelle Gottlieb
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    All for Only $9/month!

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Course Description, Learning Objectives, Schedule

Program Abstract/ Program Description 

From dieting to body image distortion, this clinical training provides background knowledge and trauma-informed skills in treating the spectrum of eating disorders (EDs). It stresses the importance of treating the trauma-based origins of EDs and dissociation, focusing on patterns of behavior, as well as phobias, typical of this population. This clinical approach utilizes case examples and videos to solidify learning.

“At War with Food” is multidisciplinary and trauma focused training, organized according to four phases of a trauma-informed approach: evaluation (assessment), preparation, trauma processing, re-evaluation and integration.
In the first phase, as with any good therapy, a primary emphasis is on the therapeutic relationship and the presence of attachment injury. This phase proceeds to introduce information about eating disorders, myths and facts, as well as medical  and nutritional knowledge. The concept of “non-negotiables” (e.g., medical and nutritional monitoring) is stressed at the start, given the physiological threats endemic to EDs.
The primary emphasis, however, is on the impact of trauma on the etiology and exacerbation of EDs. The course offers a trauma-informed lens to understand resistance engendered by a loyalty to the eating disorder. Primary skills, such as awareness, breath work and affect management, are frontloaded at the start of treatment, and psychoeducation regarding eating disorders, diets, and trauma is ongoing. Various inventories, which include attachment, eating disorder and trauma histories lead to trauma-informed goals and treatment plan.
Much of Phase 2, the preparation phase, is devoted to stabilization, skills/resource development, as well as symptom reduction and short term successes, including maintaining control in the face of the urge to use ED behaviors. Central to this phase is the exploration of the unconscious motivation for the ED via parts/ego state work, as well as defenses against emotions, particularly anxiety and shame.
 Phase 3, the processing phase, utilizes the standard EMDR protocol, as well as two addiction protocols and the flash forward technique. Depending on the client's presentation and the severity of their ED behaviors, clinical decisions need to be made as to whether to first approach processing of past memories, present triggers or future challenges. The fourth phase, re-evaluation and integration, attends to unfinished processing, as well as how the client is going to integrate a new identity into his/her life.

Course Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

1. Recall five diagnostic categories of eating disorders (EDs) (APA, 2013).
2.   Describe at least two common medical risks and associated interventions (Treasure, 2009; Hambleton, et al, 2022; Barakat, et al, 2023; Levine & Smock, 2021; Arienzo, 2013).
3.   Identify three non-negotiables in treating EDs (Treasure, 2009; Hambleton, et al, 2022).
4.   Explain the impact of trauma on the etiology and perpetuation of EDs (Brewerton, 2022; Lightstone, 2004; Menninger, 2021; Balbo, Zaccagnino, Cussino, & Civiiotti, 2017).
5.   Explain the purpose or function of EDs (Zanelia & Lee, 2022).
6.   Explain the multidisciplinary “village” concept (Pehlivan, et al, 2022).
7.   Recall the physical, emotional, and social effects of starvation as noted in the Minnesota experiment (Kalm & Samba, 2005).
8.   Differentiate between resistance and ambivalence in clients with EDs (Fetahi, et al, 2022).
9.   Distinguish three important histories (in addition to the trauma history), which are needed to create a comprehensive case formulation for clients with EDs (Brewerton, 2022; Rijkers, Schoorl, van Hoeken, & Hoek, 2019).
10.  Identify three forms of secondary trauma, which can arise from the eating disorder itself (Convertino & Mendoza, 2022).
11.  Recall three treatment goals in ED treatment (Brewerton, 2022).
12.  Recall three skills to be frontloaded at the start of ED treatment (Wong, et al, 2023).
13.  Identify five common core, negative beliefs found among clients with EDs (Brewerton, 2022).
14.  Explain the meaning of the acronym RUG-C in working with ED ego states/parts (Seubert, 2018).
15.  Identify three ED related fears that might be addressed with the Flashforward technique (Logie & De Jongh, 2014).
16.  Identify three factors in the development and perpetuation of a negative body image (Baraket, et al, 2023).
17.  Recall how the intolerance of painful emotions can manifest as body image distortion (Levinson, et al, 2020).
18. Recall three examples of challenges in integrating a post-ED identity into the client’s day to day life (Verschueren, et al, 2017).


Course Content:

1.5 hours

Types of Eds; Medical risks and assessment - the non-
negotiables; Concurrent mood and personality disorders 

1.5 hours

Attachment; ED purpose; client ambivalence about ED

1 hour

“Village approach”; medical/nutritional video

1.5 hours

Overview of therapeutic components; frontloaded skills

1 hour

Histories, assessments, and case formulation

1 hour

Choosing target memories; 3-pronged lens; goals and treatment planning.

1.5 hours

Three-part preparation; safety and stability

1 hours

Emotional education (shame and anxiety); resources (incl. spirituality)

1 hour

Dissociation and parts work

1 hour

Addiction protocols; body awareness and acceptance

1 hour

Target sequencing and short-term successes

1 hour

Parts work during processing; parts work and body image distortion

1 hour Processing and recidivism

1 hour Re-evaluation and life integration

1 hour Life without ED – Self-identity revisited.

Total Time:
17 Hours

Eligibility and Approvals


This course is considered an advanced course for EMDR therapy clinicians.  Before enrolling in this course, participants should successfully complete an EMDRIA approved EMDR Basic Training program.

If you have not yet taken EMDR Basic Training, please go to our Basic Training schedule on our EMDR Basic Training home page at EMDR Professional Training.


This course is a 17 CE course. Participants  are responsible for checking with their state boards to verify CE requirements.

EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) CEs

EMDR Professional Training is an approved EMDRIA CE Provider (#18023), and this program is approved by EMDRIA for 17 EMDRIA Credits, Approval #18023-DL51.

TRAINING LEVEL: Beginning level

Eligibility for EMDRIA Credits is restricted to those who have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic EMDR Training.

Continuing Education Credit - Professional CEs

Continuing Education Credit is awaiting approval for 17 CEs through EMDR Professional Training's CE partner, See the information below for professional approvals.

  • is approved by:

    • The American Psychological Association (APA). is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

    • Florida Certification Board

    • The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Provider #852 BAP. Expires 3/31/2025.

    • The California Board of Behavioral Sciences. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences, BBS, recognizes relevant course work/training that has been approved by nationally recognized certifying bodies, such as APA, to satisfy renewal requirements.

    • California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) Provider Number OS-12-174-0225. Expires 02-2025

    • The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners – meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education.

    • The Texas Board of Professional Counselors – meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education.

    • Massachusetts Authorization Number: (TBD)

    • Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board – Approval from a state licensing board for counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists is accepted by the OH CSWMFTB.

    • New York Social Work Board – is recognized by the New York State EducationDepartment’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0120.

    • New York Mental Health Practitioners Board., Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors.  #MHC-0260.
    • New York Psychology Board., Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0211.
    • The Florida Board of Nursing (CE Provider #: 50-4896) Expires 10/31/2026. Do not send certificates to the Florida Board of Nursing. You must keep this certificate for 4 years.
    • The California Board of Registered Nursing. CEP 15647 Expires 11/30/2026.
    • This training does not offer ASWB ACE credit to social workers.

Licensed Professionals should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval.

Certificates are awarded online after completion of the workshop. Participants print their own certificate after registering at, entering a keycode, and completing an evaluation form.

To contact, go to:

Address: 1398 SW 160th Ave, Sunrise, FL 33326, USA
Phone: 954-290-8446
Email: [email protected]

More information about obtaining your CE Certificate for this course is available at the end of the workshop.

For our cancellation policy, please go to our Terms and Conditions.

There is no known commercial support for this program.