Course curriculum

    1. Hello!

    1. Recommended Reading

    2. Benefits and Pricing

    3. Consultation- Overview

    4. Overview Consultation of Consultation

    1. Approved Consultant Application (Sample- Check EMDRIA for current when you require it!)

    2. Assignment 1: Download EMDRIA Consultation Handbook below

    3. Requirements to Become Approved Consultant

    1. Initial Consultation Hour

    2. Membership Enrollment with EMDR Professional Training

    3. Basic Training- Didactic Portion

    1. About this Module

    2. Introduction

    3. Certification Course Description

    4. Recommended Reading

    5. Necessary Paperwork

    6. What is EMDRIA?

About this course

  • $2,250.00
  • 36 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Certification Packages

Pricing options

See above sections for pricing descriptions

Our participants say it best!

“Loved the Ted Talks and Resources coupled with my time working with Charlotte. Practicing with consultees and having someone to talk to about it made all the difference!”

“Succinct, easily understood and thorough!”